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12 items in this album, click on one to enlarge it.
Facts not Opinions
1 photo
graham jost
Meccano Ltd., Binns Road, Liverpool 13, England. Photographed in 1988.
4 photos
graham jost
Mary Jost's Meccano models
24 photos
graham jost
Meccano Calculators
28 photos
graham jost
Prototypical Meccano models
87 photos
graham jost
Meccano Clocks
56 photos
graham jost
Meccano Braiding Machines
133 photos
graham jost
Meccano Ball Rollers
141 photos
graham jost
Meccano French Knitting Machines
92 photos
graham jost
Miscellaneous Meccano
121 photos
graham jost
31 photos
graham jost
Other builders' Meccano models
11 photos
graham jost
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