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Meccano GalleryUser galleriesGeorg EiermannGerman Magazine German magazine ENGLISH TRANSLATION
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Schrauber und Sammler (Constructor and Collector) No.29, Winter 2023  

This is a translated version of Georg Eiermann's excellent magazine to English .

I know this will contain errors, something Georg will not approve of BUT I think it is a vast improvement for an English reader

It contains the following reports:

It starts with a pre-Christmas surprise, a free trip to Bebra in a rail-road bus organised by the "Freundeskreis Metallbaukasten". To be more precise: 48 German friends were travelling in a bus made of metal construction kit parts.

The first and then very serious report describes a derrick crane made from Trix. This is followed by a Trix model of a motor grader. Both models are built from Trix parts, but are completely different in design and appearance. On the one hand, one model is made only from Trix with the possibilities that Trix offers, and the other model contains modern electronics, coloured elements and, in some cases, parts from outside the system. For me, both Trix models are very interesting and represent clearly different construction styles, both of which I respect.

Urs Flammer has opened his exotic drawer at O for Olympia for this issue. As always, a little insight into a modular system that was somewhat off the beaten track.

By chance, I came across a report about our meeting in Bebra in 2019, which appeared in an English club magazine. I asked the author Ken Ratcliff for permission to publish the article here in German. Well worth reading!

The last and longest article is a 15-page review of this year's meeting in Bebra. Due to the lack of other reports, I had enough space in this issue to present almost every model or kit on display. If I have overlooked anything, please accept my apologies here.  

Image by Rob Thompson, viewed 510 times.
Size: 4.91Mb

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