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Meccano GalleryUser galleriesGeorg EiermannGerman Magazine German magazine ENGLISH TRANSLATION
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Schrauber und Sammler (Constructor and Collector) No.30, Spring 2024  

This is a translated version of Georg Eiermann's excellent magazine to English .

I know this will contain errors, something Georg will not approve of BUT I think it is a vast improvement for an English reader

Here is a brief overview of the contents: The cover picture for this issue features a birthday cake, built from metal construction kit parts, of course. How this came about is described in a very short report.

The next "real" model is an unusual Unimog. It is a vehicle whose body comes from a Tronico Unimog with 10mm hole spacing, but whose running gear consists of Märklin and other ½" parts. Is this a hybrid? In any case, it looks good when it drives through the garden landscape under remote control.

The King Ghidorah was a relatively large one-model kit from Meccano over 15 years ago, designed to represent a Japanese fantasy dragon and presented here.

Funfairs and fairgrounds are places where colourful things move and are intended to bring joy to the guests. And this is exactly what the model described here does, and it does it really well.

Urs took a really exotic model from his exotic drawer: a construction kit with pipes and connecting clips. But it wasn't quite exotic after all, because he found a second, similar construction kit from a different country and a different time.

Vehicles, excavators and cranes - people often build things that impress, interest or appeal to them. A men’s tailor works a lot with sewing machines, so he wanted to build such a marvel of precision mechanics with metal components. Here we show a working sewing machine made from Meccano parts.

Anyone who has built a nice model or knows something about a particular kit is welcome to contact me so that the magazine can continue to be filled with interesting reports in the future.  

Image by Rob Thompson, viewed 585 times.
Size: 7.39Mb

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