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Meccano GalleryUser galleriesGeorg EiermannGerman Magazine German magazine ENGLISH TRANSLATION
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Schrauber und Sammler (Constructor and Collector No.31 Summer 2024  

This is a translated version of Georg Eiermann's excellent magazine to English .

For the 30th time, our Swiss friend Urs Flammer has opened his exotic drawer and given us a look at his strange and rare metal construction kits. Here's a big thank you for that THANK YOU, URS! and of course another report on exotic construction sets. You can see it on the cover picture: Here is a detailed description of a model of a popular car from the early days of automobile construction. The city of Ede in the Netherlands is known for being a meeting place for friends of trucks, cranes and construction machinery and their models for one day in March. The Dutch Meccano friends are also regularly represented there. Here is a long report on past exhibitions and this year's "Model Show". Anyone who has leafed through old Märklin construction manuals will be familiar with the fire engine with turntable ladder, which supposedly cannot be built as shown in the manual. Here is a version with modifications that work.

In the early modern period, the Italian Ramelli came up with a book wheel to keep several books to hand at the same time when studying. A version from Walther's Stabil is presented here.

The Meccano super model "Grandfather Clock" is - as the name suggests - a grandfather clock made from Meccano. And here a Märklinist has recreated it in working order using his preferred system.

We also have a short tinkering tip on how to elegantly stop electric motors with just a few electronic components.

A short photo report on the 49th CAM exhibition in Espalion, France rounds off this issue.

Important note: If you want pictures in higher resolution, for example to better recognize details of a model, you are welcome to send me an email. I will try to help.  

Image by Rob Thompson, viewed 568 times.
Size: 8.11Mb

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