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Meccano GalleryUser galleriesGeorg EiermannGerman Magazine German magazine ENGLISH TRANSLATION
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Schrauber und Sammler (Constructor and Collector) No.28, Autumn 2023  

This is a translated version of Georg Eiermann's excellent magazine to English .

I know this will contain errors, something Georg will not approve of BUT I think it is a vast improvement for an English reader

What's in it?
In this issue, apart from the usual look into Urs' exotic drawer, there are two models made of Walther's Stabil, two models made of Meccano and a picture report of the Meccano exhibition in Skegness.

The first Stabil model is a steam tractor, which appears rather skeletal as a typical Stabil construction. The really interesting thing about the model is the use of the so-called “magnetic steam engine” - a rather unusual part in metal construction kits.

The next report describes the construction of a four-cylinder engine with gearbox, as was common in the second half of the last century. A sophisticated model that convinces through the imaginative use of standard parts.

The other Stabil model is a dry excavator based on 100-year-old instructions. Here, too, the special feature is the drive: a hitherto unknown Stabil clockwork engine made of brass, which matches the age of the model.

Almost everyone who is a little older and/or grew up in the country knows a Lanz Bulldog. Here we describe a top class model of a Bulldog. Unfortunately, the construction still lacks a large unbalance to allow the bulldog to stomp in a prototypical manner when stationary with the engine running. Criticism on a very high level - I would be happy if I could build like this.

>From the exotic drawers of Urs from Switzerland we have another example from Austria this time: Ditmar

We end with a photo report on the Meccano exhibition in Skegness, England, which took place at the end of May/beginning of June. Especially for this article I offer pictures in better resolution, which I can send on request.  

Image by Rob T3, viewed 969 times.
Size: 4.39Mb

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