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Meccano GalleryUser galleriesGeorg EiermannGerman Magazine German magazine ENGLISH TRANSLATION
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Schrauber und Sammler (Constructor and Collector) No.27, Summer 2023  

This is a translated version of Georg Eiermann's excellent magazine to English .

I know this will contain errors, something Georg will not approve of BUT I think it is a vast improvement for an English reader

What's in it? It starts with a Meccano model of a robot that can walk. It moves a bit stiffly, but it can walk thanks to an ingenious mechanism. A model that is very well built and at the same time beautiful to look at. It’s the original of three copies seen in Skegness.
>From the exotic drawers of our Swiss friend Urs, the construction kit “Fix” is brought out and presented this time. Due to joints between short perforated strips, a completely new construction method is required. A typical post-war flash in the pan.
Finally an Eitech model again. Eitech is the only manufacturer of metal building sets still producing in Germany. Under these circumstances, an Eitech model should be presented more often. Here it is a portal luffing crane. It is a model based on a building suggestion from a box, but refined and improved in some places.
Most readers know the rail-road bus (Schi-Stra-Bus), if at all, only from literature dealing with railway technology, which has not always been successful. Here is the opportunity to get to know the vehicle as a successful model from Märklin and Meccano.
Over Ascension Day, from 18 to 20 May 2023, the 48th exhibition of the French Meccano Club CAM took place in Larmor-Plage near Lorient in Brittany. Here is a picture report of some of the models shown there - as expected mainly Meccano models. Of course there were more models on display than mentioned in the report, but due to lack of space only a selection of mainly new models is listed.  

Image by Rob T2, viewed 870 times.
Size: 5.17Mb

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