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32 items in this album, click on one to enlarge it.
M.M.E. Outfits (1901-1907-8)
29 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
Outfits 1908- 1922
182 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
Outfits 1922-1927
141 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
French & Export red and green 1927-33
373 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
French/Export meccano X
46 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
Motor cars
93 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
301 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
105 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
6 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
Alphabetical outfits 1934-37
178 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
French and French export Sets Blue Hatched 1938/1954
423 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
French Sets 1954/1961
116 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
French Sets 1962/1967
142 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
French Sets 1966/1969
116 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
French Meccano sets 12/69 -> 1990
366 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
Meccano sets 1990 to now
402 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
Dinky Builder
11 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
Clockwork motors
327 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
Instructions for Clockwork motors
84 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
Electric Motors
249 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
Instructions for Electric motors
10 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
28 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
Steam Motors
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Christophe Dondeyne
Obsolete items
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Christophe Dondeyne
Obsolete Parts
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Christophe Dondeyne
39 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
Meccano advertising (paper)
160 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
Dealer's cabinets
62 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
French spare parts
474 photos
Christophe Dondeyne
My models
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Christophe Dondeyne
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Total number of messages on this page: 10. This is page 1 of 2.
Christophe Dondeyne (at 10:15am, Sat 7th Jan, 23) |
Hello Roger,
Yes the size of the box is the good one for a French aero 1S.
For the number it's possible or it's the number of the quality control.
Christophe |
roger marriott (at 5:31pm, Thu 5th Jan, 23) |
hello Christophe,many thanks for your email and information. I got this 'collection" about 10 years ago from France. I restrung it which is why the cord is red and I cannot remember whether the tin was with the set or not but all the other parts were. I restrung the set (obviously incorrectly). The holes in the card seem to be original and I have used them all. The back of the stringing card has the number 65 chalked on it - I assume this was the stringer's number ?
I am interested to see if the box is correct , the size is 485x353 mm ;is this the same size as the 1S box?
Many thanks, Roger |
Christophe (at 12:22pm, Sat 28th Mar, 20) |
Ok, I will be patient, Thx |
bob t (at 9:53am, Sat 28th Mar, 20) |
Christophe, Please give it some time, may sort itself out, there is no easy way to refresh sorry. |
Christophe Dondeyne (at 8:53am, Sat 28th Mar, 20) |
My obsolete Parts album says "empty album, there are some pictures inside but in others albums.
Is it possible to refresh it? |
Christophe (at 10:57am, Sun 31st Mar, 19) |
Thanks for your help |