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Meccano in the Observer, 1969

(Author: John Nuttall)

Bert Love's Blocksetter in colour

In the Observer Colour Magazine (often called the colour supplement) for 30th November 1969 there appeared an article entitled "Men will be boys", giving a brief write-up on a number of men who pursued, as an adult hobby, what many would consider purely a boyhood activity. The introduction read as follows:

Report by Judith Penner on the shameless breed of men who devote their lives to playing with toys.
Photographs by Adrian Flowers

The Observer

Bert Love was included and his section of the article is shown here, in its entirety.

The others involved were as follows:

• John Darnell, aged 43, Watford, Model Boats
• Vic Martin, aged 69, Isle of Sheppey, 0-Gauge Garden Railway
• Ray Gumbrell, aged 46, Fulham, Model Circus
• Charlie Sharpe, aged 54, Hornsey, Kite Flying
• Malcolm Woolgar, aged 38, Worthing, Wargaming

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