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65 items in this album, click on one to enlarge it.
Tracked base for a Face Shovel by Paul Brecknell
Rob Thompson
Articulated Lorry & Mobile Crane - John Palmer
Rob Thompson
10-wheeled Tractor (Front view)- Mark Rolston
Rob Thompson
10-wheeled Tractor - Mark Rolston
Rob Thompson
10 Set Bus, Radio Controlled, by Dave Bradley
Rob Thompson
10 Set Bus (Front view) Radio Controlled, by Dave Bradley
Rob Thompson
Railway Breakdown Crane - Terry Wilkes
Rob Thompson
Railway Breakdown Crane (2) - Terry Wilkes
Rob Thompson
Pumping Engine made from Tecnico - Tony Knowles
Rob Thompson
Tommy the Tortoise - Tony Knowles
Rob Thompson
County FC 1004 Tractor
Rob Thompson
County FC 1004 Tractor (2)
Rob Thompson
Fire Engine - John Rix
Rob Thompson
Skip Lorry (Front view) - John MacDonald
Rob Thompson
Combine Harvester - Richard Gilbert
Rob Thompson
Van - Alan Covel
Rob Thompson
Russian Doll Lorry Set - Alan Covel's second model
Rob Thompson
7-inch/7 Tons R.M.L. Gun on Moncriett Carriage 1888 - John Reid
Rob Thompson
Built by John Reid
Rob Thompson
Scammell Explorer Chassis - Richard Payn
Rob Thompson
Scammell Explorer Chassis (Overhead view) - Richard Payn
Rob Thompson
Ping-Pong Ball Roller - Roger Burton
Rob Thompson
Rob Thompson
Ruston Bucyrus Dragline Base by John Hornsby
Rob Thompson
Lysander - Sid Beckett
Rob Thompson
- Roger Burton
Rob Thompson
Treadle-driven Sewing Machine - Roger Burton
Rob Thompson
Treadle-driven Sewing Machine (side view) - Roger Burton
Rob Thompson
Roundabout in action - Paul Hubbard
Rob Thompson
Land Rover - Built by the late Les Gines
Rob Thompson
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