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65 items in this album, click on one to enlarge it.
Collector's Items seen at the meeting
7 photos
Rob Thompson
Mini - Tony Wakefield
17 photos
Rob Thompson
Bugatti Type 57 SC Atlantic - Terry Allen
7 photos
Rob Thompson
Electric Shunting Locomotive - Brian Edwards
3 photos
Rob Thompson
Leyland Martian Civilian Tractor - Terry Pettitt
12 photos
Rob Thompson
Tatra 8x8 Chassis by John Ozyer-Key
6 photos
Richard Payn
1930's Morgan 'Super Sports' - Alan Covel
5 photos
Rob Thompson
Mike Cook busy preparing the Model Report
Rob Thompson
Are Dave & Alan planning to become a Comedian Duo? Calling themselves Dave Allen perhaps?
Rob Thompson
John MacDonald admires Terry Pettitt's model
Rob Thompson
It's a relaxed atmosphere at the MMG meetings!
Rob Thompson
We can work this out which end do you want?
Rob Thompson
Coal Loader - Brian Compton
Rob Thompson
Rob Thompson
Long Chassis - John Molden
Rob Thompson
Clock built by the late Les Gines shown by Roy Whitehouse
Rob Thompson
Dennis 30cwt Fire Tender - George Illingworth
Rob Thompson
Dennis 30cwt Fire Tender (Front view) - George Illingworth
Rob Thompson
Model of a Crane - Tom McCallum
Rob Thompson
Delftshavense Schie Bascule Rail Bridge - Robin Schoolar
Rob Thompson
Bluebird - Mick Burgess
Rob Thompson
Sports Car - Mick Burgess
Rob Thompson
Racing Car - Mick Burgess
Rob Thompson
Railway Breakdown Crane -Tony Brown
Rob Thompson
Jack Partridge Arnfield Mantle Clock - Shown by Tim Martin
Rob Thompson
Rear view of Jack Partridge's Clock
Rob Thompson
Clock originally built by Jack Partridge
Rob Thompson
Coal Loader - Roger Marriott
Rob Thompson
Automatic Tubular Knitting Machine - Ken Senar
Rob Thompson
Rob Thompson
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