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45 items in this album, click on one to enlarge it.
63 ton Level luffing crane
Rob Thompson
Level Luffing Crane - Peter Jonges
Rob Thompson
Rob Thompson
Rob Thompson
Rob Thompson
Rob Thompson
Dragline - Mike Cook
Rob Thompson
Dragline (close up) - Mike Cook
Rob Thompson
Holmes 750 25 ton Wrecker - Bob Ford
Rob Thompson
Holmes 750 25 ton Wrecker underside - Bob Ford
Rob Thompson
Morris Minor - Bob Brooker
Rob Thompson
Scammell Pioneer by Nick Rudoe
Rob Thompson
Scammell Pioneer (NSF) - Nick Rudoe
Rob Thompson
Scammell Pioneer by Nick Rudoe
Rob Thompson
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Rob Thompson
Scammell Contractor by Philip Webb
Rob Thompson
Scammell Contractor trailer by Philip Webb
Rob Thompson
Freelance 6x6 Truck - Rod Rich
Rob Thompson
Scammell Transporter - Rod Rich
Rob Thompson
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Rob Thompson
Caterpillar 245 Excavator by Paul Jones
Rob Thompson
Caterpillar 235 Excavator by Phillip Edwards
Rob Thompson
Caterpillar 235 Excavator (NS) by Phillip Edwards
Rob Thompson
Dump truck by Paul Jones
Rob Thompson
Motor Chassis
Rob Thompson
Wuppertal Monorail - Joint family project of Eric, Joyce and Robin Schoolar
Rob Thompson
Wuppertal Monorail
Rob Thompson
Wuppertal Monorail
Rob Thompson
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Rob Thompson
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