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Meccano GalleryUser galleriesGreg RahnString Theory
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03-C2-1-double layer of cord-dark blue  

This example came to me in the last year or so. Unlike most I have seen in pics, this is a very mint and original looking example with a double layer of cord wrapped. Cord is 0.6mm and almost thread-like. Very thin when compared to what we generally think of as "proper" meccano cord! It is, though, 3 twisted stands. The 2 layers are wrapped about 55 times twice with an average wrap just over 3" gives a length of 330"!!!! Quite a bit when the average length of of standard cord is about 170"....Card is the same as the C1 example.  

03-C2-1-double layer of cord-dark blue
Image by Greg Rahn, viewed 742 times.
Size: 235.35kb (2000x1333 pixels)

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