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Ryndam Video, overview
Joe Attard
Sample specimen of ship side built prior to start of construction.
Joe Attard
Bow skeleton before plating
Joe Attard
Punching portholes on curved front section
Joe Attard
Forming anchor chute
Joe Attard
Plating rear end.
Joe Attard
Preparing balcony doors.
Joe Attard
Bow deck plated
Joe Attard
Start of Bridge work
Joe Attard
Area under chimney stack ready
Joe Attard
Fitting Balconies
Joe Attard
1st stage ready on 24 April, one month after start of project
Joe Attard
Second Stage ready
Joe Attard
8th June: Undercoat applied to next layer.
Joe Attard
Main swimming pool and Jacuzzi in place.
Joe Attard
All doors and windows are glazed
Joe Attard
And the whole construction is finished on 1st July 2009.
Joe Attard
Work is advanced on bridge and overlying Disco.
Joe Attard
Painting begins
Joe Attard
Rear Swimming pool ready
Joe Attard
Disaster. Blue paint overspray reaches already finished white paint. Will have to respray.
Joe Attard
Laborious hand painting of decks.
Joe Attard
And on the August, the Ship was finished, but without lifeboats
Joe Attard
Complete ship done on 17 August
Joe Attard
Lifeboats and life rafts
Joe Attard
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