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16a - New Loom  


Image by Charles Steadman, viewed 6102 times.
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Charles Steadman      (at 9:33pm, Tue 3rd Mar, 09)

A good model in the end, fairly easy to build but demanding a lot of 9.5" girders and many special loom parts. You will need all of them, although you can make the sand roller by sticking sandpaper around a wood roller. Healds and shuttle are required, as is the reed hook or something very much like it for stringing the thing, which is a painful exercise.

All the suggestions for 'improvements' in the back of the instructions are absolute necessities, including flat girders and redesigning the cams, and filing flats on most of the axles to provide fixed positions for each gear and cam, from the primary drive across the back and up to the top of the loom including all the badly designed crank operations. Once you've got it running, with the heap of tension springs required (13 are called for, and some need doubling up!), then it's an impressive machine to watch...

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