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Prop-M angle view(MKII) - Johnny Meccano  

I've redesigned my version of the PrOP-M to address 3 issues.

1. My dbdy 5 outfit had 4 x part 45 so I used them. Apparently there is only 2 on the parts list so I must have had a bonus. They've been removed completely and replaced with 3 hole narrow strips spaced out with washers.

2. My original version didn't lift the body completely off the ground so I've redesigned the skis to give a wider arc and added 2 flat girders to the body to ensure that the pulleys, bushwheels and gearwheel never touch the ground.

3. Some mentioned the skis should be in phase. I had them at 90 degrees. I've fine tuned it down to 10 degrees. Not perfectly in sync but unless I get really complicated, it will do. KISS. Keep It Short and Simple as I hope others might build it.

BTW, Graham Jost told me the rubber drive belt wasn't necessary and of course he was right. He's always right! 😁  

Prop-M angle view(MKII) - Johnny Meccano
Image by Rob T2, viewed 243 times.
Size: 292.58kb (1789x1800 pixels)

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