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Meccano GalleryUser galleriesGreg Rahnmint Meccano accumulator-1928
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01-accumulator in chest compartment  

Here is the mintest accumulator you will ever see! It has never been wet and still resides in its compartment of a 1928 6a outfit. I visited the set in Sept of 2016 in Western Canada. The set is dated to mid 1928 for various reasons I won't go into here. There will be a gallery about the 6a outft later.......Note, also, that it will only fit in the compartment on its side. if upright, the lid won't close over it. This is also the case in the 7 outfit chest as well.....so once wet, they never went back into the set chest and were eventually separated from it in later years and lost. That is why they are so rare today!  

01-accumulator in chest compartment
Image by Greg Rahn, viewed 608 times.
Size: 5.60Mb (2673x3312 pixels)

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