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New Meccano Range
Georg Eiermann
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Georg Eiermann
New Meccano Range Eiffel Tower
Georg Eiermann
New Meccano Range Empire State Building
Georg Eiermann
New Meccano Range including Meccanoid Robot
Georg Eiermann
Titania Block Setting Crane - Terry Bullingham
Georg Eiermann
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Georg Eiermann
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Georg Eiermann
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Georg Eiermann
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Georg Eiermann
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Georg Eiermann
Tzar Tank - Harry Harker
Georg Eiermann
Marksman Hydrocon Lorry Crane - Brian Chaffer
Georg Eiermann
Cranes - Ian Mordue
Georg Eiermann
Grue Applevage No.14 - Ian Mordue
Georg Eiermann
On left: Liberty Ship Engine - Alan BlairRight: Kientz Single Cylinder Steam Engine - Bobby Middlemass
Georg Eiermann
Kientz Single Cylinder Steam Engine - Bobby Middlemass
Georg Eiermann
Jost Luffing Tower Crane - Ian Mordue
Georg Eiermann
Watt's Rotative Steam Engine - Albert Howe
Georg Eiermann
Ping Pong Ball Roller - Douglas Carson
Georg Eiermann
Funicular Railway - Derrick Murdie
Georg Eiermann
Non-Rotative Steam Pumping Engine - Howard Somerville
Georg Eiermann
Ferguson Tractor in Antarctica - John Reid
Georg Eiermann
Ferguson Tractor in Antarctica (Front view) - John Reid
Georg Eiermann
Ferguson Tractor in Antarctica - John Reid
Georg Eiermann
Sledge used with Ferguson Tractor in Antarctica - John Reid
Georg Eiermann
Britain's Fighting Forces - John Reid
Georg Eiermann
Britain's Fighting Forces - John Reid
Georg Eiermann
Tandem Compound Mill Engine - Howard Somerville
Georg Eiermann
Tandem Compound Mill Engine (end view) - Howard Somerville
Georg Eiermann
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