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Meccano GalleryMeccano ManualsPre War Manuals1921-1940
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1935 Manual Outfits F-L  


Image by Charles Steadman, viewed 26879 times.
Size: 53.48Mb

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ChrisBestMusic      (at 7:21am, Sat 20th Feb, 21)

Thank you so much, Bob t. Another lifelong desire fulfilled!

bob t      (at 4:04pm, Fri 19th Feb, 21)

Chris, If you replace the 8731 in this URL with 18216 you should find super model leaflet 01A or type new motor chassis in the gallery search box

ChrisBestMusic      (at 11:18am, Fri 19th Feb, 21)

This was the manual I remember studying avidly as a child (my father had Outfit K, which I still own). I always wanted to buid the car chassis shown on page 107, but it needed more parts than I had, along with 'Instruction Leaflet 1a'. I wonder if anyone has that leaflet?

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