94 items in this album, click on one to enlarge it.
54 Sector plates (and not)
Nick Smith
48e-Aluminium-Silver mock-zinc in 7200 Evolution tow truck
Nick Smith
48e-Aluminium-Silver mock-zinc & zinc in 7200 Evolution tow truck
Nick Smith
1970s diecast Zinc pentagonal loaded hook
Nick Smith
57b A195 diecast matt black pentagonal loaded hook Basic 3 0403 of 1993
Nick Smith
57c Light Loaded hooks red eras
Nick Smith
57c barrel hooks
Nick Smith
57c 1970s diecast Zinc barrel hook round right-hand
Nick Smith
57c 1970s diecast Zinc barrel hook round_left-hand Super Highway Multikit
Nick Smith
57c barrel hook zinc RH flatened round
Nick Smith
57c barrel hook zinc LH flatened round
Nick Smith
A157 57c barrel hook black '2 spot' Vintage Set 0530
Nick Smith
A157 57c barrel hook black '1 spot' Set 7080
Nick Smith
57d Mogul 9018 Crane Multikit Hook
Nick Smith
57d Mogul Multikit Crane Hook
Nick Smith
79a 6 inch screwed rod zinc + brass
Nick Smith
80c 3in screwed rods
Nick Smith
95 Sprocket Wheel 2in 36 teeth face red & nickel
Nick Smith
95 Sprocket Wheel 2in 36 teeth boss side, red & nickel
Nick Smith
120b Compression Spring
Nick Smith
120c A353 Compression Spring
Nick Smith
120d Compression Spring
Nick Smith
144a+372-Multikit-Crane-dog-clutch+winding drum
Nick Smith
147c Pawl without Boss, MECCANO, ENGLAND Black
Nick Smith
147c Pawl without Boss, MECCANO, ENGLAND Nickel
Nick Smith
147c Pawl without Boss, MECCANO, ENGLAND Zinc
Nick Smith
176 Cord Anchoring Spring
Nick Smith
231 Key Bolts, with a yellow dealer packet
Nick Smith
Narrow Perforated Strips
Nick Smith
Late Liverpool_Space_2501_1979 white (235g) 480 Narrow Perforated Strip, 1½
Nick Smith