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Meccano GalleryUser galleriesJohnny Meccano

Johnny Meccano  

8 years old. (Now 16. And over 6ft 2in tall!)  

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Johnny Meccano
41 photos
Johnny Meccano
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Carlos Giani      (at 12:45am, Thu 6th Mar, 14)

....the same way most of us....

Carlos Giani      (at 12:44am, Thu 6th Mar, 14)


Sorry, the right phrase should be:

Carlos Giani      (at 12:41am, Thu 6th Mar, 14)

Hi, Johnny!

I think that you are a greeeeeat engineer, and it is a pleasure and a honor to see such a young "meccanoman" enjoying Meccano, the same when the most of us did many, many decades ago. Thanks for enriching this wonderful web place!

Keep on building,


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