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Meccano GalleryMeccano outfits and other productsNickel outfits (1908-26)
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Nickel Period 4a box  

I acquired this recently, as I did not have a nickel 4a, in the hope of creating a complete outfit. The style of label on the lid was used by Meccano for accessory outfits from around 1911 up to around 1927 so I want to identify from when this outfit dates. There is no guarantee slip inside the lid or any indication that there ever was one. I have carefully looked through all the outfits in this, Michel Lhomme's and the Meccanoland galleries hoping to find a match but nothing! All the outfits I have seen certainly come in a different style of box and always somewhat larger. I also looked at other small outfits from this period in case the box had the wrong label on it but again I drew a blank. Can anyone help?
FOLLOWUP: Thanks to John Nuttall who provided a picture of an identical box to show this was original, Michel Lhomme whose researches led him to believe the dark green shade here is C1922 and Geoff Brown who pointed out that the content of a 4a from 1922 onward would not fit in this box! Putting these ideas together I came up with the outfit that follows in the gallery.  

Nickel Period 4a box
Image by Malcolm Hanson, viewed 2802 times.
Size: 513.49kb (2000x2103 pixels)

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