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Meccano GalleryMeccano ManualsPre War Manuals1921-1940
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1939 Mechanised Army Manual  

The print code on this one is 15/369/25 which presumably is an error and should read 15/639/25. If you download it and open it as a pdf file then go to "View" and click "rotate left" to see it in the correct orientation. As the centre pages are not laid out in the simple format of the outer pages I have included some overlaps so that all the text is readable.  

Image by Malcolm Hanson, viewed 5711 times.
Size: 3.96Mb

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Malcolm Hanson      (at 3:26am, Fri 28th Feb, 14)

Thanks for this Barry. I have corrected the other title.

Barry Gerdes      (at 7:39pm, Thu 27th Feb, 14)

The manual listed as 1940 Mechanised army also has the same "misprint" print code so I think it should be listed as 1939 rather than 1940.

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