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Meccano GalleryMeccano ManualsRed/green manuals (1945-1963)
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1949 Manual Outfit 10  

This was the first post-war outfit 10 manual. As it is a very important manual, I've rebuilt this PDF from cleaned-up scans of a near-mint original to make it as high a quality as I can.  

Image by Charles Steadman, viewed 17228 times.
Size: 28.10Mb

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Bob T      (at 8:41pm, Wed 25th Oct, 17)

Trevor, Do you know what scale you are building to?

Richard      (at 9:01am, Wed 25th Oct, 17)

Trevor, Come and join the Rust Bucket Forum where there will be people who can help.

Trevor Willcox      (at 7:39am, Wed 25th Oct, 17)

I want to build a thrust bearing for a heavy lift derrick crane

Trevor Willcox      (at 7:34am, Wed 25th Oct, 17)

I want to build a thrust bearing for a heavy lift derrick crane

bob ashlin      (at 9:09am, Sun 5th Jan, 14)

fantastic resource, thankyou

Sir James      (at 8:13pm, Mon 22nd Apr, 13)

This is an outstanding service to we old-timers who
couldn't afford to buy parts as kids during WW-2.

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