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Meccano GalleryMeccano ManualsEarly manuals (to 1920)
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1906 Manual Box X  


Image by Charles Steadman, viewed 6974 times.
Size: 4.25Mb

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Jacques Baranger      (at 3:11pm, Mon 3rd Oct, 22)

The pdf has 7 double page. The 12-1 double page is missing.
And page 12 may be the content of the box...

Barry Gerdes      (at 7:08pm, Mon 19th Nov, 12)

I have three "X" manuals listed for 1906 now. This is obviously the earliest and it could be as early as 1904/05. Does anyone have any more information on these pre-1908 manuals. The sets section has three pages photos of a 1907(?). Is there any chance of a full set of scans for this manual. It is different to the 1906/7 already shown elsewhere.


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