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Welcome to
Hi everyone! Welcome to the new home of! There's all sorts about Meccano on this site available from the buttons above. Some of the highlights include:
- The Meccano Magazine viewer, over 42,000 pages of this magazine
- The Online Parts Museum, with pictures and history of every part made
- Hundreds of Meccano Manuals in PDF format for download
- The Photo Gallery, where you can upload pictures of anything Meccano-related
- Outfit contents generator, where you print lists of the contents of outfits
- Documents, where you can write your own pages into this site!
- Rust Bucket, a discussion forum for anything Meccano-related.
Dozens of people have helped to create the content on this site, and we're always looking for more pictures and information. If you can help, please contact us by clicking on the "Contact Us" link at the top of the page.
We have recently moved from our awful old web hosts, to a shiny new facility. Some things might have temporarily broken. If there's anything you notice that's not working correctly, please tell us. Or if you have any comments or suggestions, we'd love to hear from you. Just click on 'Contact us' above, or post to the 'Rust Bucket' forum. Ditto if you find any mistakes – we want to make this website as accurate as possible.

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What's new?
15-12-13 Part 142 is now in progress in the Online Museum
14-12-13 Do you have a Retina display? You might see better images...
10-12-13 Over 40,000 images in the gallery, look here first for pictures
02-12-13 The Spanner Christmas Challenge 2013 is on! Read more here...
11-01-10 Substantial updates to the blue/gold outfits page
17-11-09 At long last, an page for Mechanics Made Easy
07-09-09 Got a Meccano Ten-Set? Take part in our survey!
14-05-09 A new area for you to write about anything Meccano-related
28-02-09 A page where you can create contents lists of outfits
19-02-09 The Meccano Magazine viewer is complete
20-01-09 Substantial updates to the silver/yellow/black page
10-08-08 A new page for nickel era outfits, although early days yet
07-08-08 We now have a new area for posting Meccano wanted adverts!
10-06-08 The Auckland Meccano Guild now has its site online here
20-01-08 Oscar started sending me modern parts listings, see here...
01-01-08 A first attempt to describe the colour schemes of Meccano
15-12-07 Some thoughts on the problems with modern Meccano
29-10-07 Finally, the new version of the painting page, on spraying parts
01-06-07 Our first 'letter' and more 50's cards in the stringing page
All images on this site are copyright. This particular image belongs to the
webmasters, and you may copy it for your personal use, or for a non-
commercial website - if you credit the source. All other rights reserved.

The text and layout are © C Steadman 2007-2013. The images on this website come from various sources, as described if you hold your mouse over each one. Please respect those photographs that belong to others. If in doubt, contact us for authority to use them.